Yesterday I decided to start off the morning with some mint tea on my way to work, (Pacific Coast Mint, World Tea House) probably because at the time that I was deciding what I wanted to drink, I hadn't yet brushed my teeth. I think my mouth might have tasted a bit like what I imagine old ass to taste like, so I wanted to get as minty fresh as possible.
Also, I brushed my teeth. That helped quite a bit.
At lunch time I wandered up to World Tea House again, and since I'm still trying to try every tea there, I went with White Peach. It's exactly what it sounds like. (pic to come later, once my phone isn't dead)
It's also really good! If I wasn't a) waiting for my next paycheque and b) lacking room in my kitchen because of all the other tins of tea I've already bought from there, I would pick up a tin of this too.
I'm sure that I will find a tea there that I don't like. Someday. It's got to happen eventually, right?
Oh, and speaking of tins, I gave one of my extra tins to my Mom. She wanted something to keep her tea fresh at work, so I let her have it. It's not like I don't have any others. Besides, she wanted it for tea! How could I deny a request like that?
So far this morning I've had two cups of chai (Tali's Masala Chai, World Tea House). One I steeped way too long while I was doing my makeup this morning, and the second turned out much much better. I'm still working my way through that one.
That's all for now. I'm sure there will be more tea before the end of the day. And I work all weekend, so that's at least three more cups of tea over the next few days.
On an un-related note, I want at least one more place that I can go out for tea, and one more place that I can buy tea for myself at home. Why? Because I do. Especially flavored teas. I'm a sucker for flavored teas.
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