Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ok, who are you people?

600 views?  Who are you people, and why do you care about the tea I drink?
Not that I'm complaining, I'm just really curious.

I so want that teacup.  Mostly because it's purple.


  1. I'm Lucy. You started following me on twitter, so i started following you here. I like that you like tea (because I'm a tea-fiend, too)
    I don't know who you are, but I'm sure we've met - I sometimes work at World Tea House.

  2. Ah, I've seen you around. I've seen you dance a couple times, so I decided to follow you. :D

    I'm pretty sure I've seen you at World Tea House, but I don't think I've seen you working there.

  3. I just really REALLY like tea too. Just stumbled upon the place and thought, "Now there's a bitch I can relate to!"

  4. I like tea...I like Eva...

    occasionally I am referenced as the ever-mysteriously-mysterious-unnamed-codeword-'friend'-entity.

    So.... Narcissisms. this is why I read your blog :P

  5. I could refer to you as B.A.D. if you'd like. I'm trying to avoid using names as much as possible, since I'm not sure how much everyone is comfortable with it.

  6. hahaha sure, i'm good either way :P
