Saturday, April 30, 2011

I want this so much!

Which is why I posted it on my other blog, Want So Much! but I figured it was appropriate to post here as well:

For some reason I am able to post pictures from work fine, but not from home.  Time to figure out why. :/

Yes, I'm a bad blogger

Yes, I've had tea, no I haven't been posting for the past few days, yes I'm a horrible person.

Well, maybe not a horrible person, just an easily distracted one.

Anyway, I can't remember exactly which days I've had everything.  Here's as much as I can remember:

Went up to World Tea House to try the white guava ginger.  It wasn't yet out and it couldn't be found, so I tried the new stu-tea instead.  Very nice!  I was told that it had licorice, but that it wasn't a very strong licorice taste.  I got all excited because I loooove licorice, but alas, she was right: it wasn't a very strong licorice taste.  It was a nice earthy blend of flavors though, and I would definitely get another cup sometime.

At a later date I went up and actually tried the white guava ginger.  Love it! Light, sweet, and a little spicy.  Perfect.  This might just bump out white coconut creme as my favorite!

A couple days ago I was off to visit my friend BAD, to chill and have some tea.  To say that she's been stressed lately would be a huge understatement, and since my solution to everything is more tea, I offered to bring some over.
She lives right by the Halifax Shopping Centre and not only that, but the route I took (which was through the mall rather than around it) took me right past DavidsTea.  And the same person was working.  I felt myself being drawn in totally against my will!  Sort of...Well, maybe just against the weak protest in the back of my mind which said I don't really need more tea.

Obviously, this is a voice that I have become very, very good at ignoring.  It's and acquired skill.

Oh, I forgot to mention that last time I was there he said he liked my bag. (which doesn't seem to be available at ThinkGeek at the moment...Oh well, good thing I got mine when I did then!)

As you may or may not know, I love me some geek boys. *sigh*

Anyway, I was feeling like some coconut when I went in, so I asked if they had anything with coconut.  This resulted in even more containers of tea being pulled down from the shelves than last time.  Luckily, I kind of expected this to happen and I wasn't quite so overwhelmed.  After sniffing my way through a variety of different teas, I settled on Buttered Rum.  Because it smelled delicious.  I didn't even bother getting a cup first to try it out, I just grabbed a bag.  I can definitely see myself going back for a tin.
Plus, it boasts a little organic label on it.  No fair trade label unfortunately, though. :(

Once I made it to BAD's house, we hung out, had tea, and I played Zelda on the 64.  I forgot how much I love Ocarina of Time.  I think I left my tea pinch there though.  Or at least, I haven't been able to find it since then.  That could just be because I'm really forgetful and unobservant though.

I started the last couple of days off with my new buttered rum tea because it's new and shiny and tasty.  I brought some with me when I went to my French class, and when I went to a friend's place to hang out and play Borderlands for several hours.

I'm kind of tired of rum in the morning though, so I'm back to my chai (Tali's Masala Chai, World Tea House), which I'm still sipping my way through now.  Oh chai.  I missed you.  Good thing I went and got a refill.

Oh yes, and the past couple times I've gone to World Tea House, I haven't really felt like trying anything new, either because I don't feel I have time, or because I'm in the mood for something more familiar.  I mention time, because World Tea House has a bunch of what they call Premium Teas.  They tend to be higher quality and are good to re-steep a few more times.  The lovely jasmine pearls I tried were both pretty to look at, and just as tasty the second time I tried them.  I didn't have enough time to try for a third then.  I'd like to pop in some day on one of my days off and just see what happens when I re-steep the same pot of tea a few times.
Maybe I will try one of them next time I go in to write for a couple hours.

The wanting something familiar, well, that's just me wanting something familiar. XD

So, all that tea, plus a few more glasses of apple juice + chai is about everything I've tried for the last week or so.  I think.

Actually, I'm sure I'm missing a few things, but that's the best I can do today.

Till next time!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ziiiingin' in the rain...

So.  Electric Lemon from DavidsTea round two.

Whole experience is much, much better when you actually pay attention and take the tea out after a few minutes instead of letting it sit there while trying to figure out whether or not the av cables for your N64 are in correctly (they were, by the way.  Matching up chords that are colour coded is not very hard).

It was a nice start to the day.  Enough zap to get me started and out the door.  It has since stopped raining, but the title still fits.  All this means is that I'm going to be dragging my umbrella around on a sunny day like an idiot.

Ah well.
Anyway, the tea re-steeps fairly well, though it is considerably less lemony-zingy the second time around.  Because it's this much weaker this time, I don't think it would make it through a third round.

Despite it having a bit less lemony kick-ass power, it's still enough to keep me awake right now when all I want to do is take a nap.  The rest of the world is closed on Easter, why isn't my work? :/

I also had another cup of apple + chai tea (Simply Apple + Tali's Masala Chai from World Tea House), but I really can't remember when.  I can't remember if it was this morning, or last night.  If anything, that should tell you the state of my brain at both times...

That's all for now.  Happy Easter, if that's your thing.  In my case, it would be happy zombie movie day.  Oh, I think I see the beginning of an awesome tradition... 

Friday, April 22, 2011


Started off yesterday with more rooibos chai.  It was actually in the afternoon, since I work late on Thursdays, but whatever.
Within ten minutes of my posting the last entry (or at least it felt like it was quick, it might have been longer) @WorldTeaHouse tweets that there are new teas available.
So When I headed over to try some Sweet Hot Cinnamon.  Good thing too, since I left my umbrella there the other day.  Phil (rather reluctantly) gave me back my umbrella.  It's ok Phil, I know it must have been hard to give that back.  It is a pretty awesome umbrella.
So I plunked down with a cup and...

...Loved it!  Cinnamon and cloves, so it's chai-like, but there was orange peel as well.  But still managed to taste different from the Orange Spice.  Very nice. Very...well, cinnamony.

I re-filled my slightly chipped-but-not-broken mug and went back to work.

This morning, mom was super awesome and not only dragged me out of bed with the promise of waffles, but she made me tea too!  I filled my pot up with the tea I wanted this morning, but she still got the water and pulled the tea out of the water once it had steeped long enough.

Thanks mom!! <3

I decided to have some ginger mint tea on my way to work today.  Just ran up to get a re-steep.  It re-steeps fairly well, although it's not as spicy the second time around.  Only really good for a couple steeps, I think.

Hopefully that will be enough to get me through the rest of the day.  I'm so bored here...Who's open on good Friday, anyway?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tea is certainly looking attractive...

Tea for the past couple of days:

Came over to Halifax a little early to sit, write, and have some tea before heading over to a Tarot workshop at Little Mysteries. It was a great workshop, although it was a bit hard on my butt sitting in those chairs for three hours.  Luckily there was a break at one point for everyone to get up and stretch.

I'm also happy I decided to go and try some yerba mate at World Tea House first, because even though the workshop was awesome, I think I might have gotten a little tired if not for the energy boost.  It's a lot to take in over three hours.  That said, I'd do it again.  I would recommend it for anyone in the area looking for a good introduction.

And what was my energy boost of choice?  A pot of yerba mate.  I really like the taste of it, even on it's own.  My friend who was working said she found it woodsy and preferred it with some lemon, but I think the lemon was overpowering, and that the tea on it's own wasn't too, too woodsy.  She said it was a good non-jitter inducing pick-me-up, and she was right about that.

This means that I just have to try the Silver Needle and the chamomile teas and I would have tried all of their whites and herbals! :o

As for yesterday...

I had planned to meet a friend for tea last night.  I had been saying for a few days that I would bring her some of the ginger mint tea, since it's yummy and helps settle tummies.
(Mom also had some, since she's not a fan of just straight mint, and she really enjoyed that too)

Well, didn't I forget my tin at home?

So, in an effort to try and make up for forgetting the tea, I popped into DavidsTea at the Halifax Shopping Centre to try and pick up something with some ginger in it.

They did not have ginger and mint.  They have about a billion types of tea (rough estimate) with blends of about a billion types of tea together (again, rough, rough estimate), but it doesn't seem like they have just ginger and mint.  And although they may be able to to make blends themselves, it was never offered.
Now, even when I knew what I wanted I was still a little overwhelmed with all of the choices given.  I asked for ginger and ended up with five types of tea in my face.  They smelled wonderful, and I'm sure they're all really, really awesome, but I think I would have just liked an extra second and a half to say "No, I don't think so." or "Yes, that one right there! I'll try that!"

One thing DavdisTea has going for it though?  Really cute servers.  Twice now I've thought the guy talking to me about tea was really cute.  This one had tattoos too. *swoon*

The sample they were giving away that day was their North African mint, which apparently had licorice and fennel in it, but I couldn't really taste anything other than mint right away.  I will say that the taste was a bit fuller than just straight mint, so it was very nice.

There was also an adorable glass tea set that I really wanted, but don't need and can't afford.  I already have one small, cute tea set of four.  These ones just happen to be glass...

In the end I settled on a bag of Electric Lemon.  It was a green tea base with ginger and lemon.  It was pretty good, but I guess it's part of their winter collection, so when they run out, that's it.

At my friend's place, I started brewing a cup, and then went to go mess around trying to hook up an N64 on a TV that hates everything, so I ended up steeping it for waaaaaaaaaaay too long.  It was pretty gross.  I'm going to try another cup when I'm not so distracted and see how that turns out.

Today I had a cup of rooibos chai.  I'll be wandering up to my usual place later tonight.  I'm trying to cut down on the caffeine a bit during this week, but I also want to try new things.  Or maybe I'll just say screw it and try whatever pops out at me.  Whatever the case, I'm sure it will be delicious.

Till later!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Now my hand hurts

No, it's not for that reason, you perv.
It's because I was absolutely itching to get outside on such a nice day yesterday, so I went over to World Tea House to write.
And I wrote. And wrote. And wrote.

Now my hand hurts.

While I was writing (and texting, and talking with friends) I had:
One small soy coconut cream latte
Two pots of Vanilla Rooibos
Two pots of Chocolate Monkey.
I also got to have a cup of lemonade with lemon verbena, jasmine, and mint.  We think that it should be either mint OR jasmine instead of both, but either way it was still quite good. :D

I ended up writing quite a bit while I was there.  This whole writing thing is pretty fun.  I've been thinking of maybe making a weekly thing out of it, drop by on one of my days off, and just write for as long as I feel like it over some tea.  Hopefully I'll get better at this and my hand won't cramp up.  I'm so used to typing that I've forgotten how to write, I think.
And really, I just can't quite seem to get the same ideas out of my head when typing.  Besides, my laptop is heavy.  I don't want to drag the stupid thing around.  Kinda defeats the whole point of it being a laptop, but oh well.

Maybe I'll get some more writing done today.  Or maybe I'll finally pop into strange adventures and see what'st here.  I haven't been there in forever.

Till next time!

EDIT:  Still not letting me do pictures!  WTF?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

This article has absolutely nothing to do with tea

Jezebel: Utah Republican To Eliminate Premarital Sex

Absolutely nothing at all.
But this was the picture:

So I thought I'd share.  Enjoy.

My mom is the bestest mom.

Today is, individually, a pretty crappy day, but I'm still feeling optimistic.  Which is awesome because, like I said, today is a crappy day.
But first, I'll tell you what I whipped up yesterday:

I was cramping like crazy yesterday.  I know this is way too much girly information for some of you, but I don't really care.  I usually only have one day once a month where I want to curl up in the fetal position and cry, and that day was yesterday.  And it was all day.  It was the suck.

As soon as I got home, I made myself some ginger mint hot chocolate.  I had to use water for all of it because I'm trying to avoid milk to see if I feel any better.  It was still pretty delicious.  I think I'd like to try something a little spicier in my hot chocolate next time

Mom had gone grocery shopping and also brought home a bottle of Simply Apple Juice.  So I mixed that up with some chai and it was DELICIOUS.  For a while I used to drink a bunch of vanilla chai apple juice that my mom picked up from the store, but I think I might just start making my own.  Mine was way better anyway, and not as sweet.  For this one I used the rooibos chai, since I'm still trying to avoid too much caffeine, but I think it might be a bit better with black tea.  Mom said she might even like something like that for a punch at her wedding. =D

Now, for all my talk of avoiding caffeine, I still brewed up a cup of Tali's Masala Chai (World Tea House) this morning.  I'm not sure if it's even caffeine as much as just needing some tea to sip on.  That got me out the door, at least.

Now, for why today is crappy:  I don't get a lunch break, again.  I nearly forgot my allergy meds, and when I went back in to get them, I left my lunch and travel mug behind.  I was sure I was going to starve AND be without tea all day.

But then mom called, and even though she had no reason to come all the way over to Halifax from Dartmouth, she (and my Aunt Susan, who was driving) came over and dropped off my lunch and my tea.  The tea (Rooibos Chai, World Tea House) was only lukewarm, but I didn't care.  It was still wonderful.
Plus I get to eat.  Food is awesome, and it keeps me from a)dying b)killing others out of crankyness.
And I'm going to need patience today, because I'm pretty sure it's going to get busy at work today...

So, not everything is fixed, but it's bearable.  Thank you mom! (And thank you for driving her Aunt Susan!)

Saturday, April 16, 2011


No lunch break today.  Got away long enough to re-steep my Rooibois Chai from World Tea House.  Currently holding the still-hot mug on my lower belly, since it's hot.  Should have brought some of the blend I bought from Sawadee.

I hate cramping. :(

Friday, April 15, 2011

Oh, nearly forgot to mention this magnet...

I picked this up today from Venus Envy

I figured it was appropriate for this blog.

The day's tea adventure

It was a pretty good one, I think.

To get things started, I met up with my poor, friend who is recovering from surgery.  She showed up in pajamas.  She looked kind of pathetic in a "I wish I could help you out, here let me get that for you" way.  We met up at Just Us! on Barrington.
She got some sort of coffee that I wasn't the least bit interested in, I got a London Fog, because I have always loved theirs.
Except they were out of vanilla syrup that they usually use.  I tried caramel instead, but it wasn't the same.  Sigh.

Normally though, they have the best London Fog.  At least, I think it's the best so far.  I should try more london fogs in more places.

While trying to take this picture, I tried not to get my friend in the picture, since she wasn't really looking her best.  I also tried not to get the guy that was sitting nearby.  He seemed pretty cool and said he didn't mind, but I figured I'd try and keep him out of it anyway, since I am posting this online.

I ended up getting both of their elbows.

Afterward we went to World Tea House.  Big surprise.  I was rather surprised that my friend came along too, since it hurt her to, you know, walk, but she is way too stubborn.  I had two pots of Roobois Peach and a cupcake.
I also picked up a tin of Roobois Chai.  I love the flavor of chai tea, but I wanted something herbal, so I picked that up.  Plus it's really yummy.
I just finished a cup of the blend I picked up from Sawadee Tea House.  I'm feeling better already. :)

That's all for today, so far.  Anything more and I'll update tomorrow.  Till then!

EDIT:  For some reason, I can't add any pictures.  Hopefully I'll be able to fix this later.

Oh pot. I missed you (plus, the best latte ever)

Guess what's baaaaaaack:

I got the replacement for my tea pot that I shattered! Hurray!  It's not currently steeping some more of the ginger lemon tea.  I'm trying to avoid too, too much caffeine this week, and I don't have many teas without any at home.  I should go pick some up later today.  I'm planning on going over to meet someone for coffee (read: tea) later today anyway, so I'll just wander up and get a tin of something awesome.  On the list of things to consider: Honeybush.

I tried a cup of this yesterday during my lunch/supper break and I absolutely love it.  It's smooth like rooibos, but sweeter.  I'm also really close to having tried all of the herbal teas available.  I'm afraid to try the ones with chamomile when I'm working though, since they make me sleepy.

Oh yeah, I started the day off with some chai (Tali's Masala Chai, World Tea House) in my travel mug.  I'm starting to run pretty low on it.  Still, It lasted me a pretty long time considering that I drank it almost every day that I worked...

On my way out after my break, I decided to try the Latte that was on special: Coconut Creme.  I think remember Phil saying it was 75% coconut black, and 25% vanilla black, but I might have the ratios wrong there.  It. Is. Delicious.  I know I've said that about a lot of things, but seriously.  This might actually be the Best. Latte. Ever.  It's a shame I didn't take a picture, or I'd go and make a crappy ms paint doodle of a crown on it. XD

I imagine it would look a bit like that.

Anyway, I'll be getting more tea later today, so I'll update either later tonight or tomorrow.  Till then!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thank you, Tea

Soooo, Here's the last few days' tea:

Sunday:  Mom made tea, which means mom made tetley.  I've finally figured out what it is about Tetley that I don't like.  It's not the taste:  It's kind of got it's own taste that I don't mind.  It's the feel of it.  After I drink it, I feel like I need to brush my teeth. :p
Anyway, it still went well with a piece of that chocolate cheesecake, so I guess that's all that really matters.

Monday:  I *gasp* stayed away from Halifax all day.  I didn't stay away from the mall though.  Went shopping and got some tops.  I can officially stop feeling like I have nothing to wear, even though I have lots to wear.  I now have some outfits to wear.  I decided not to bring my travel mug with me, considering what happened last time I brought one of those to the mall with me...Funny enough, I don't think I had any tea.  I think I should have.  Probably would have been able to shop longer.

Tuesday:  Friend popped in after having a bad day.  My solution?  Tea.  I realize my solution for everything is tea, but it didn't hit me just how much I rely on tea to calm myself (and everyone else) down until just then.  Whenever someone is feeling down/healing from surgery/healing from getting hit by a car/just plain stressed out the first words out of my mouth are "aw, do you want some tea?"
Anyway, that particular mini-emergency's tea was some White Coconut Creme, from World Tea House.  I remember my friend liking it before, so that's what we went with.

I keep forgetting to pick up the replacement pot part of my teapot that I smashed before, so I had to use my BREWT for the two of us.  I realized something about it though:  You need to stir it up or something before you pour it. Shaking it didn't really work that well.  If you don't, the first cup you pour will be much stronger than the next, because the first cup would have all the tea that was steeping at the bottom, where all of the tea is sitting.
See, this is why I need to get that replacement pot.  Didn't have to deal with this.  Plus it didn't dribble. I cannot sing enough praises for a pot that doesn't dribble.
Anyway, despite the tea being a bit stronger than she would have liked, my friend eventually calmed down a bit and I hope she left feeling better.

Wednesday:  I had my first French class!  It's going well so far, the class seems to be full of interesting people, and I really want to give this my all.  There are a few sounds I don't think I can quite pull off yet, but hopefully with more practice I'll be able to get the basics down.  I was drinking my Chocolate Monkey (World Tea House) in my travel mug this time. I'm glad I did, it kept me warm on the way to class.
Unfortunately, it was all gone by the end of class, when my hands were so cold that I wanted to cry and I had no idea where the bus stop was, but whatever.  At least I had the sense to pack leggings with me.  If I hadn't, it would have just been me and a summer dress vs. mother nature.  I think we all know who would have won that fight.
Once I got home, I re-steeped the chocolate monkey.  I needed something warm. :(

That night, I decided to dip myself up some nachos (which weren't really nachos, but some president's choice vegitable flaxseed chips or something).  There was cream cheese, salsa, and grated cheddar cheese.
Well, later that night didn't my tummy decide to rebel?  I was sure I was going to throw up this time, but miraculously everything managed to settle down.  I was not feeling great at all, I was shaky, my heart was beating fast.  Ugh, it was awful.
Thank you ginger mint tea.  You make me able to go back to sleep.

Thing is, last time this happened (and I also reached for the ginger mint tea) I had also had nachos.  Actual nachos.'s the cheese?  What if I can't continue to eat my lovely cheese?

...actually, I could live without eating as much cheese as I do.  Maybe I should look at scaling back how much dairy I eat and see if I notice any difference.  I'm not going to be able to do it without mom on board though, since she buys the food.

Baby steps.  In the meantime, at least I've got my tea.  Thank you, Tea <3

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I just had some tea with my milk

Quick update before I forget, I had some chai tea (Tali's Masala Chai, World Tea House) warm milk to go with a delicious chocolate-covered-in-caramel-and-more-chocolate-with-bits-of-even-more-chocolate cheesecake.

This whole counting on my mom to get me healthy food diet plan isn't really working, is it?

Anyway, the whole reason I had so much milk in it was because there was cake right in front of me, and I didn't cool that tea down right then, the cake wasn't going to last long enough to be enjoyed with tea.

And something that delicious should be enjoyed with tea.  It's a law or something, I'm sure.

Anyway, I'm about to go make myself another cup, I think.  The night is young, and I fiiiiiiiiiiiinally get a day off tomorrow!  I can consume as much caffeine as I want tonight!  Woohoo!

In un-related news, I got another blurb written today.  Yay moar writing!

Ok, who are you people?

600 views?  Who are you people, and why do you care about the tea I drink?
Not that I'm complaining, I'm just really curious.

I so want that teacup.  Mostly because it's purple.

Tea + Inspiration

So, having gone all day without tea, I decided to get some after work.  Riiiiight after I popped into Pretty Things Boutique and picked up a ticket for the 5 year Pink Velvet Burlesque Show at the end of the month, and I just happened to fall prey to a red pencil skirt.  These things happen.
Oh well.  At least I look fabulous.

So, I walk into World Tea House crying "I need teeeeea!" and got myself a pot of Tali's Masala Chai.
And then I write.
I've got a world in my head, and I'm just loving the fact that I'm getting this idea out of me in bits and pieces.  It isn't all connected yet, and that's ok. I love it!
About an hour and a half later, I realized that I'd gone through a couple pots of tea and I had a bunch of stuff written.
I love the fact that World Tea House is the sort of place where I can go and sit down and work on stuff like a coffee shop, but without all the coffee.  Well, there is coffee available, but it's not just coffee.

And who knows?  Maybe I'll get some more writing done today. :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The saddest thing in the world.

I'll tell you what the saddest thing in the world is, but first, I will tell you what tea I had for the past couple of days.

Thursday:  Worked late, so I had my break a little late.  Hadn't had any of the Darjeeling teas at World Tea House so I decided to try one.  I got the Avongrove Darjeeling.  I thought it tasted great, and had an odd sort of texture, if that's possible with tea.  It was soft.  I would love to get another cup of that sometime.

Yesterday:  I popped into World Tea House for lunch again and I ran into a friend! Yaaaay!  I noticed a tea I hadn't seen before, the Tulsi, and I decided to get a cup of that to try it out.
I actually quite liked it.  I think I might try another cup again soon, just so I can pay more attention to it while I'm drinking.

Now for the saddest thing in the world:  I forgot my mug at home.
And I don't get a lunch break today.
I will have to go the entire work day with no tea.  How am I supposed to do that? D:

I'm not sure how I'm expected to work under these conditions!

I've started begging people on twitter to bring me tea, but so far no answers. *sigh*

Why must I be so forgetful?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

attack of the work.

Yeah, so I have a confession to make:  The majority of the time, I blog from work.
Except work has been super busy the past few days.
Mostly because I actually wasn't supposed to work those days, but got called in anyway.  Can't complain, more money for tea.

Anyway, I'm behind as hell, so here's a quick catchup and story-time post:

A while ago Phil gave me a sample of a half ginger, half mint blend.  I got it because I knew that if ever I got nauseous, that would probably help out.  Well, didn't I start to feel ill a few days ago?  I tried out the tea and once it hit my tummy it was like "BAM! SHUT UP TUMMY!" and my tummy shut up, and everything was good.

On Monday, my one day off since last Thursday, I went over to my friend's place to make her some tea.  She just had surgery, and was feeling pretty ouchie.  To make her feel a bit better I got her some Welcome tea (chamomile, rosehips,lavender,roses,pink peppercorn) from World Tea House and while I was there I tried a cup of Blueberry Jasmine nice as the blueberry was, I think I prefer their Spring Jasmine.  The Blueberry Jasmine seemed a bit more bitter to me.
While I was there I also picked up a tin of the ginger mint blend.  It really calms my stomach, and it tastes great.  At least, I think it does.  Not everyone really feels the mint, I guess.

Anywhoo, once I got to my poor post-surgery'd friend, I made her a cup of the Welcome tea, and myself a cup of the ginger mint. I left her what was left of my ginger mint sample (since I had a whole tin for myself anyway) in case she was feeling sick from pain. :(
I also left her my copy of The Losers on DVD.  Nothing helps my mood like watching Chris Evans.  *sigh*

Yesterday I started the day off with Chai, and had a Vanilla Chai Latte for lunch.  I added a little sugar to it.  I got some more water for my mug on my way out again.

Finally, today I started off the day with the ginger mint instead of chai.  Had a green tea latte for lunch today.  I was kind of hoping that it would wake me up, but right now I'm still feeling kind of drowsy.  I could really go for a nap right now...

Also picked up a cup of Rooibos Chai for my co-worker today.  I wasn't really sure what to get, so I figured that was a safe option.  Luckily she seems to have really liked it. :D

I also re-steeped my ginger mint.  Not as spicy the second time around, but still good.

Phew!  I think I'm all caught up for now.  I think I'm going to have to set aside blogging time after work in order to keep this up. :/

Saturday, April 2, 2011

HaHA! Look, it's not CHAI!

It's mint! (Pacific Coast Mint, World Tea House)  Ha!  Let's see if I can go one whole day without drinking any chai tea!

Right now I've got my mug full o' mint.  This is special, not only because it's a mug full of not chai, but it's also a mug full of NOT LOST!
That's right, this may be the longest I've ever had one mug.  It also might not be, because I can't quite remember when I actually got it.  I could find out easily enough since I remember blogging about it at the time, but that would take, you know, effort and stuff.
I'd much rather waste my time writing up a story about super-heroes that popped into my head.  I promised my friend that I would write, so write I must.

Oh, as for tea I had yesterday:

Lemon Verbena.  Just Lemon Verbena, not lemon-and-something-else anything.
It was a lot more lemony than I was expecting actually.  I looove lemon, so this was extra yummy.
It was also the perfect thing to gulp down after running around outside with no jacket on, trying to catch up with a friend who left their cell phone behind at the tea house. XD

On my way out I get some more hot water to re-steep my chai and went back to work.

I'm actually working again today, but considering the circumstances I won't complain.  Besides, this gives me more money for tea.
I have to support my tea habit somehow, you know?

Of course, I probably wouldn't be drinking quite as much tea if I didn't work 5 min away from the two tea houses...