Despite living with my mom, I don't actually get to see her that much. I work weekends, she's usually gone before I leave in the morning, and sometimes I'll go out and come back after she's already gone to bed. At some point she stopped calling me every time I went out to see if I was ok. Sometime after that I stopped calling her just to give her updates on where I was even though she had already stopped asking. At some point, she started treating me like an adult, which still kinda freaks me out.
Me? Growed up? Nuh-uh. Not happening.
Anyway, mom is taking the afternoon off, and we're going to go to Bud the Spud, The Black Market, and then get some tea and a cupcake.
This is pretty much the best thing I could ask for.
I've had a bunch of birthdays (23 of them, actually) but one I remember well is my fifth. I wanted to go to Bud the Spud, and I wanted to get dangly earrings from The Black Market.
Several years, and many, many pairs of dangly earrings later, I still can't think of anything I want more right now, except maybe some tea. I didn't really drink much tea when I was five. If I did, it was mostly milk and sugar. XD
I don't really know what I'm getting at here. It's my birthday, I'm kind of scared of growing up, and I love my mom. That's really all I can figure out right now.
Except why do I feel like crying a little bit? I don't know...
Happy birthday to me. I love you mom! <3
Thank you for sharing your special day with us!