I said something to that effect earlier today. Because it's true.
I forgot my mug at home again (full of tea, of course) but because I usually leave time to get tea before work on Thursdays, I didn't mind so much today. I got a cup of iced hot rod. I think I like it even more iced. It's almost sweeter. Plus it's great when the day is kind of hot. This time when I went in there were a few people I knew already there.
With the Hot Rod in my system, I managed to last until my break. Surprise, surprise, I went back up to World Tea for a pot of Vanilla Black and a Lemon Roll. Fuck my plans to diet, I am so not in the mood today.
During my break I ran into even more people I already knew. It's now getting to the point where I can count on running into someone I know whenever I go there for tea. I am now starting to make friends and acquaintances entirely through World Tea House now. Better than a bar, I suppose. Tea is cheaper than booze.
Wouldn't that make a great slogan? "Come, drink tea! It's cheaper than booze!"
I am finding that last line far funnier than I think it actually is. I need a nap.
Oh, and I just finally had a sip of this chocolate vanilla mint latte that I ordered on my way out of my break. I figured I needed something that was a) large and b) chocolate for two reasons:
I have the rest of my evening shift ahead of me
I have cramps.
Fuck this, I want chocolate. It will help me combat cramps that are bad enough to make me want to throw up sometimes. What the fuck, uterus? What did I ever do to you?
What makes this all worse is that I don't even have my travel mug that can double up as a hot water bottle, because I was a dumbass and left it at home. This is one of those times where if I had more energy I would shake a fist off at some imaginary group of kids off in the distance and yell "Curses!!"
Every now and then, I get curly mustache envy. But only every now and then.
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